I used to work in administration, and I love research so I wanted to take a look at this “National Research Administrator Day” listed on the national calendar of holidays and celebrate with some great research links!
Research is vital to any writer, whether you are writing contemporary fiction or historical. A writer needs to know the places, occupations, vernacular language that envelope the reader in her story.
The problem for me is I often find fascinating new topics during my research that send me down unexpected rabbit holes – must avoid the rabbit holes!
Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University
Lots of information on the history research process, including types of sources.
Central Michigan University Library Primary Sources for Colonial America (but has later documents too – into the 20th century).
Numerous links to all types of American documents of historical importance.
New York Public Library – Early American Manuscripts Project
Scroll down – lots of goodies here, including many links to other archives.
The Center for Interpretive Media, National Park Service
Includes links to art, publications, photography and other media through The Harper’s Ferry Center.
The Henry Ford Museum – Collections & Research
If you’ve not been to the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village historical collection, they are well worth the trip, but follow the link to the digital collection and loads of information on the massive collections at the museum.
National Park Service History eLibrary
Loads of links to reports and historical documents from everything to locations, archeology and the US Civil War.
National Park Service Historical Document Archive
Records on historical buildings, the Conservation Corps and documents of the Park Service.
National Park Service Visitor Site Reports through Washington State University
Reports on visitor centers and information on National Park Service locations and sites.
The White House Historical Society
Click on the menu for information on architecture, fine and decorative arts as well as the history of the building.